
Viktor Šulc (22 years)

ID: 53699


Playing leagues: Plzeň - Squash (44/48)

  • 1 matches

    since 2024
  • 0/1
    Latest matches
    • Loss
  • 88 /93
    Position in season leaderboard
  • 1
    Matches in the league ( 0 / 1 / 0) 0 tournaments
  • 0%
    Match success rate

Leaderboard development

Letní sezóna 2024

6 . Level A

40 points
44. position (41. position among men)
P.T. V.N. J.S. P.G. A.O. V.Š. Matches GRP Total Sets
1 .
Image 1
Pavel Thoma
2 30 72 3:1
2 .
Image 1
Veronika Nováková
0 25 65 0:0
3 .
Image 1
Jan Strnádek
0 12 52 0:0
4 .
Image 1
Petra Gabrielová
0 9 49 0:0
5 .
Image 1
Adam Olah
0 4 44 0:0
6 .
Image 1
Viktor Šulc
0 0 40 1:3

List of matches

Date Time Level Opponent Place Result Comments
03.07.2024 17:00 6. Pavel Thoma Sportcentrum Koloseum 1:3 Comments

Payment methods

Platební metody